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Wine Temperatures

Wine Temperatures

3.0 by AVINIS GmbH
(0 Reviews) June 30, 2024

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Wine Temperatures Wine Temperatures Wine Temperatures Wine Temperatures Wine Temperatures Wine Temperatures

Latest Version

June 30, 2024
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More About Wine Temperatures

This app from the Vino Mobile series makes it easy to calculate how long a bottle of wine needs to be cooled or warmed to reach the optimum drinking temperature.
• Calculate time
Enter the current temperature of the wine, the size of the bottle, the ambient temperature and the desired serving temperature. The time required to chill or warm is instantly displayed.

• Determine serving temperature
The recommended drinking temperature is indicated for each type of wine (sparkling wine, white wine, rosé, red and sweet wine).

• Get the best out of your wine
What happens to the perception of aromas, carbon dioxide, sweetness, acidity, tannin, alcohol and bitterness when the wine is drunk warmer or cooler? Follow the rules.

• Vino Mobile Apps
Avinis offers various apps for wine lovers in the Vino Mobile series, which are also useful for WSET students and graduates (WSET 1, WSET 2, WSET 3). You can find them in your store:

# Wine Tasting (Wein degustieren; Dégustation de vins)
Put an end to the speechlessness when it comes to wine! Decode wine like a pro.
The basic app is free.

# Wine Profiles (Weinsteckbriefe; Profils de vins)
Discover the typical characteristics of wines and grape varieties by region and let us help you taste and decode wines.
Costs less than a cheap bottle of wine.

# Wine Vintages (Weinjahrgänge; Millésimes de vins)
Find the latest ratings of wine vintages (more than 5,700 in total). Updated annually.
Price like a glass of cheap wine (not a bottle! :-)

# Wine Trainer (Wein Trainer; Coach en vin)
Improve your wine knowledge in a fun way. With 2,800 questions/answers.
The basic app is free.

# Wine Temperatures (Weintemperaturen; Températures du vin)
Bring your wine to the right temperature in time.
This app is free.

We hope you enjoy the Vino Mobile apps and that you can learn a lot with them. We welcome your feedback in the App Store or via www.avinis.com.

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