Meet the new face of Dynamic Island iphone 14 pro.
Welcome to OS 16's Dynamic Island Pro experience that can shapeshift, multitask, rotate your head, and change the game.
- Dynamic Island Max combines fun and functionality like never before!
- dynamic island for android consolidates your notifications, alerts, and activity into one interactive place.
Permission to use in-app
- BILLING in-app purchases.
- ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE to render dynamic view.
- QUERY_ALL_PACKAGED : display and manage App Notifications that can be displayed on Dynamic Views
- READ_NOTIFICATION to show media controls or notifications on Dynamic View.
-BLUETOOTH_CONNECT to detect the inserted BT headset.
* Importance:
The app uses the AccessibilityService API to display a floating popup to enable multitasking.
If you have any questions or encounter application errors, please contact us via gmail: